Thursday, July 31, 2008

Most of us...

have been introduced to the opportunity to alter a bug's life at some point or another. The slimy or fury little bugger shows up unexpected and unannounced. It is usually when your guard is down or things are just in a "chill" type atmosphere. When he (or her) shows up, what do we normally do? "AHHHH!!! (spastically swatting or reacting to the surprised situation) It's a bug!! Ewww! or Ehhahhheehhhahhh!" Then as we gain our composure, we lift up our weapon of mass destruction (a foot, shoe, magazine, or fly swatter) and come to work on ending this fiendish monster's life. In the moment, we really are not concerned if it is venomous or dangerous. In fact, it rarely goes through our mind that most of the time that bug does something for the good of all. I know, I know, bugs are still creepy, but what would happen if you let it go? What happen if you showed it mercy? What if you decided to lay down your authority and power and your "rights" to squash this bug and let it go? I can tell you what will happen, you learn something (I am getting there). You will learn forgiveness.
     Jesus really showed me something this morning in John 13. He was hanging with His disciples at the last supper. The chapter begins with Him realizing that God the Father has given Him all authority and power. I think the twist in this story is the next verse where Jesus reacts to His authority by washing the feet of the disciples. You may not realize it, but Jesus was about to die a very horrible death. At any time, He could have changed the events and destroyed His accusers. Basically, He could have and technically had the right to squash the bugs in His life and in the situation. He didn't though. He let the bug(s) go. He knew that for a greater purpose, the bugs need to be let go and not squashed. Compassion! Mercy! Ultimately FORGIVENESS!!!
     Sometimes in our own life, we have or feel that we have the right to squash the bugs in our life. "I have the right to respond this way" or "It's my life and I can do want I want" is just a few responses we can use as a foot to justify our motives. Sometimes you have to let what is right to us go and not try to squash out of our own personal justification. In fact to go further, we need to learn how to forgive as Christ forgave. It is not giving in, it is showing strength by laying down our own rights for a bigger purpose, God's purpose. I am not sure if I am connecting, but it makes complete sense. You may be in a situation that you feel that you may have the right to respond in a way. Maybe you were wronged, hurt, accused, or destroyed, but what is Christ telling you? What are you hearing in your heart from Him? Lay aside your self-justification of the situation. We are called to be obedient and live a life honoring to Christ. Let Him deal with the squashing (i know you don't want to hear that). You will be surprised at the out come because ultimately God will bring good to those He calls His own and His purpose will be displayed to others around you in a way beyond your expectation and comprehension. Something to think about when you see a bug next time.


  1. Lil'Christ said...
    That's an awesome way to look at it.
    Btw, this is Zach D.
    beanman said...
    i love this view of mercy bro. i think about it a lot. everyday when i walk or run the smokerise i see this bug or that tryint to cross the road and it becomes my chance to play god. the power of life and death rest soley on me. all i can say, i know that i have fallen short and have done things way more evil than any bug yet God shows mercy and reaches down and helps me to the other side of the road. Peace. bro

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