Thursday, October 2, 2008

So...Seattle...I go...

So, I am...

off to Seattle. Well.., not yet. Some of you who read my blogs kind of saw it coming after seeing some of my post while I was in Seattle. The answer is a definite YES! I met with the leadership of my church and shared with them what God is doing in my life, so now I think I can share with my friends, family, and colleagues the news.
     This decision is an awesome but scary time for me. Let me break it down a little.

Awesome: It is overwhelmingly incredible that God is calling to Arlington, Wa to serve on leadership at the Commons with my friend Tim. People joked with me that when I was going out there, that I will fall in love with the place and will not come back or that I will move out there. I responded with a "'re probably right", but in my heart I was like.."God...I want what you want". It was 2 days before I had to return back to B'ham. I remember waking up and just saying..."This is my home". That is all I could hear in my heart. It was like God sat beside me in a chair and was whispering.."This is your home". I talked to Tim about it. Two days later, I stepped on the plane to leave for B'ham. I remember sitting down and having this feeling of "why am I leaving my home?" I started getting homesick over a place and people that I have only been acquainted with for 2 weeks. So to fast forward, I took the next month to really pray and make sure that this is God and not Cham. God kept confirming that it was Him. I know it is not me because it freaks me out. Yeah, the place is awesome, but this is the biggest faith step of my life (i will explain in a minute). So, I definitely know this is not Cham, because I use to only take risk if they were favorably. The thing is...everyday my heart grows more and more with the love of God for the people in Arlington. In all my years as a Christian, I have never been so passionate for a group of people like I am with these people. It's God's vision, and not mine. I think if I hadn't of responded to God this summer in the way that I did, then I would have missed out on the greatest calling in my life.

Freaked out: I try to be honest on here, so here is this side of the equation. Yes, this freaks me out. Not the moving and new people, the process. As mentioned earlier, this is the biggest faith step of my life. I remember telling God back in June that I would go and do whatever He wanted no matter how crazy and no matter how scary. Well, there ya go. He has pulled me way out of my element and comfortability (which i am thankful). See, the Commons is a beginning church plant. So, I would not draw a pay check from them. This means that I have to raise support to GO and DO. Never did this before, ever. Things have always fell in my lap and for the first time God is saying...don't trust in your Me and My provision. This is a scary thing for a guy who always has a plan a, b, c, d, and e. So, I know with out a shadow of a doubt that God will provide everything I need. I am pumped!!!! My heart for the people in Arlington is way louder than a few worries. So...I am really not freaked out.

     All in all, God has taking a pit and turned it into purpose. If He hadn't changed my life this summer, then I would be missing out on the biggest calling of my life. I think He has huge things for The Commons and I am honored to just be a part of it. 
     I tell you (the readers) all this to say please be praying for me. I feel that God has set a moving date....somewhere around the first of Jan. I have to raise support, and I have a lot to do between now and when I leave. I will be doing another blog and eventually a website that will give all the info on how to support, my calling, and etc. I will still maintain this site because it is my personal journey with God . is official...I am Seattle bound....and I am so passionate about it that IT IS SEATTLE OR BUST...there is not option b.  Much luv ~cham 


  1. Lauren said...
    Yay! Homeboy's joining my state! Cham, this is way exciting, and I'm pumped for you in this process. What a sweet place to be, dependent on Him for every step! (although a little nerve-racking, I know!) I know you'll keep us "posted". I look forward to seeing more of His hand in this!
    Brittany said...
    so glad you finally came out of the closet cham!
    Cham McCutchen said...
    hahaha...i will not live that down with you...but then again..i figured you werent coherent enough to know what I looked drained....
    Unknown said...
    Chamblee, I am so excited for you and it seems so clear that God is leading you to a place where He has given you an amazing opportunity to use the talents he has given you. Continually Praying.

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