Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A quote that was reborn in me...

You need to buy the book above. Life changing. Below is a quote that is close to me. Francis Chan quoted in his book.

"Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that really don’t matter…”
-Tim Kizziar

This is the quote that hit me deep at Starbucks back in May of this year. My priorities have become totally rearranged since then. I find the things that use to be a big deal in my world to really now be crap. It wasn't like I was leading a different life, I just was being successful in things that really didn't matter. I was successful in pride. I should have recieved a trophy. I was successful in selfishness. I should have made the news. I was successful at being successful. I have been to places, worked at places, and had a pretty good work resume. Life revolved around...me . I was successful at that. Now in every area this didn't apply, but still. I think God used my successfulness in the wrong to carry out His right, I just didn't see it. It wasn't until I read this quote(and book) and God himself penetrated 29 years of independence and self-reliance. 
     I say this because the more I talk to people and the more I watch people, I realize who I use to be and what I was. Again, I wasn't leading a double life, but in my mind it was just as bad. If anything, I just want to say to any and all who read this is to ask yourself what are you successful in? No, I am not trying to do the Southern Style of Convicting, I am not your Holy Spirit. I do have a passion to see people live in freedom and to experience life though, and that is why I ask. So... what are YOU successful? What are you trying to succeed in? I will already give you the spoiler, ANYTHING A PART FROM WALKING IN A LOVE RELATIONSHIP(A TRUE LOVE RELATIONSHIP) WITH GOD WILL END IN EMPTINESS AND UN-FULFILLMENT. I have been fortunate to come to the conclusion that life is not only short, it is delicate. We can parade about living a great life, but if we separate ourselves from the Life-Giver and the destiny that He has for us then will it really be great? I had to ask myself those tough questions. My heart and mind didn't want to answer those questions. They found them disturbing, challenging, and exposing. It just really bums me out to see others miss out on greatness in God because they are successful in crap. That is all it is. It is 12:45am. Again, I am not really sure why I am writing, maybe it was just reading that quote again. I am to tired to check for errors, so please forgive me and don't be successful in the wrong things... 
with love: cham


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