Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A little bit of confession.... of late, I am learning some very simple but big truths about a Faith Journey. This may sound elementary, but have to get child-like to grow. Since May, I have had a great new opportunity to understand what it means to walk by faith. I have had a lot of POOP hit the fan. There is really no other way to theologically explain it. Through that though, I have come to learn what it really means to "trust in God (like for real trust)" and to really walk in a faith that leaves you in a state of dependency on one person and one person only...Jesus. I say all this to realize that I have grown-up just a tinsy bit more today. 
     As mentioned earlier, my summer has been a very difficult but my faith walk has been growing,  which brings me to the present. Today I realize that I sometimes sport the "I am walking in a cool faith" t-shirt. Let me explain this. When you walk in faith, it is not something you just gloat about or find "neat"...not that I have done this. This shirt comes in a variety of styles and colors. I have been wearing a designer version, the "Sal-good" (It is all good for you non-street type) collection. Everything that has been going on lately, good and bad, I approach it with a "Saallll Good" mentality. Now, it is ok to be confident in Christ, but the no worries approach is another thing. Faith and a Faith Journey is designed for you to depend, to grow, to live in the awkward sometimes, to do the right thing when its difficult. Need I go on? When you are just "sal-goodin' it", you are not going to accomplish much because you aren't depending, needing, living forward, moving forward. You are just there. So, I confess to any who read this.I was out of fashion in my faith walk with the "Sal-good Faith approach" shirt.  I have only worn it for a couple of days, and now I will burn it (prayerfully speaking). Just trying to keep the journey real and just trying to keepz it real with you peepz. Continuing to grow, continuing my passion for JC, continue to reach others where they are...

much luv.


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