Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to the P.O.C. blog!

It has been a really cool friendship that we have had. I just realized that this month is when you turn 1 year old. It's incredible how time flies! You have recorded a lot, helped me and others a lot, and ultimately glorified God in everything.

Yes, I am talking to an inanimate thing, but it's more of a celebration of all the things that I have jotted down that God has done in my life and allowed me to enjoy in the midst of a crazy 1.1 year. Can't complain where God has me now and how He has totally healed me. No guilt, no wounds, and no bitterness, that is what the Great Healer does when you let Him. It's called "FREEDOM IN CHRIST". I've gained more wisdom, incredible friends, experiences, and life in the midst of darkness because I allowed Him to walk me through it all. I am living proof that He doesn't abandon you. The God of Grace and Mercy will see you through.


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