Friday, September 11, 2009

Books..the other white meat.

An college professor of mine use to say, "Leaders are readers". I use to think it was corny (sorry Brad), but it makes total sense to me now. When you read through the Book of Proverbs, you can see a major theme of the importance and benefits of obtaining wisdom. This was confirmed when I was listening to a pastor say that his church offers a $500 dollar bonus to each of their pastors that reads 35 books in a year. You may think that is insane for a church, but its not. $500 dollars is nothing in light of a pastor who is knowledgeable (which makes them priceless). This has lit up a goal in my life. I am trying to push myself to read 2 books a week (given there thickness both in pages and depth). I want to be growing, so I can help others grow. I want to feed me, so I can feed others. There is no financial bonus for me doing this, but the end result will be worth far more. This should be interesting.



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