Thursday, March 11, 2010


And ends. I am officially putting to rest "The Planet of Cham". Why? This blog has done it's job for me. It started back in the Summer of 2008 when I went through the hardest time in my life. I experienced loss, hurt, disappointment, bitterness, brokenness, redemption, renewal, recovery, and a new response. I shared my hurts and life on here during that time in a creative and fashionable manner. I was amazed how God used my self-destruction to reach out to others. It was totally worth it, so others can see an incredible God and have hope. So this blog did its purpose. So that is why I am leaving it to lay rest. I am not deleting it. Because every so ofter, I time travel back through the post, to see and be reminded of what God did in my life.

So at this point, I am moving my blogging to:

You can get the explanation for the name on the site. It is a new step, direction, and thoughts. The site works for me and where I am at. As far as my other blog "Cham2seattle", it will continue b/c it keeps people connected to the ministry that God has called me to at this segment of my life. UFF is my blog to pour out thoughts, art, and questions. Thank you so much for following me and i hope you make the shift over to my new blog.


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