Monday, September 28, 2009

Sometimes I chuckle...

At times I find it humorous when Christians get afraid to deal with others who have problems, issues, disfigurements, etc. Sometimes its comical because I watch them clam up and then sometimes it turns out sad because they miss an opportunity to share the Love of Christ to somebody. The crazy thing is that I understand both sides. I was once "that guy" who could talk the talk all day about reaching the least of these, the forgotten, and the shunned, but never do anything about it. I was the one who would keep my distances, make the hidden jokes, and slither away from the uncomfortable situation. On the other hand, I am now that person who is on the receiving in due to some crazy events in my life. Sometimes people don't know how to respond. They get all quite and fade out of the conversation. Its humor and tragedy in a slow waltz. The tragedy is that people miss out on opportunities to support, to learn, and to agape others. They miss out on the 2 Corinthians 1 where we can take our life lessons, hurts, and healing and reach out to those who could use the help, the hand, and the love. I understand why people get confused sometimes about Christianity, because some of us are spiritually schizophrenic. Ponder this.

much love


  1. Lauren said...
    I like the "spiritually schizophrenic" part. Well-said, friend.
    Cham McCutchen said...
    thx. I promise one day I will go back and read my errors before I post. I just saw that i put "use" instead of "us". Im a lazy writer. I know.

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