Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Nines I learn...

I have been listening to The Nines ( in and out most of the morning. It consist of a ton of pastors who are spending 9 minutes on video sharing a small chunk of wisdom on leadership, life, and God. It has been really great, especially being 9 minutes per pastor (for those who are ADD that helps). So far, the thing that jumped out at me the most is when a pastor said that, "In pressure, we find out who we really are. It is the progress report for us to see where we lie." It's funny because I just ready Ps. 30 this morning where it said,

"When things were going great
I crowed, "I've got it made.
I'm God's favorite.
He made me king of the mountain."
Then you looked the other way
and I fell to pieces. (The message)

If you go back and read the whole Psalm, David explains how God pulls us out of our troubles and rescues us. The interesting thing is that midway through this psalm, he writes what I posted above - "When things were going great...". It so true! When things are "going great", it's so easy to get comfortable, lax, LAZY, self-absorbed. We tend to revert back to depending on ourself and we lose passion and focus. Moment of confession: I've been there, I am there, & God is allowing the pressures of life to boil that out of me and return me to depending on Him. It stinks. It's my fault that I put myself there, BUT it's His love that takes care of me and draws me back to where I need to be. That is why David goes on and on in this psalm to praise Him. Go read it. It's encouraging for those like me that fall on our face just to be greeted with a loving God ready to pick me up and move forward. God loves me. He loves you.



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