Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I had an interesting thought in the shower the other day. That may be weird to you, but that is where I think a lot and hear from God often. I was thinking about my frustration with my little garden on my back porch. It has been having issues with growing in the flower pot. The problem is not so much the soil or the pot or even the planter for that matter. The issue with it's stunted growth is from the lack of Sunlight that is hitting on the back porch. No mater how much water is given or fresh dirt, the garden just barely grows.

Well, this whole process got me thinking about the verse:

"Where there is no vision, the people perish.."

My eyes began to open up a little more in the God realm of things. Most of the time I hear this verse used in the context of leadership and church leadership. As a leader, supply the vision and people will be healthy. I agree totally with that aspect. In light of my garden though, lets use change it to plant terms: "If there is no sunlight (LIGHT), then the plant will perish or wilt." If a plant doesn't get the proper amount of light or even light at all, it becomes weak, wilted, and withers away to the point of death in the midst of the darkness. So now, let us apply this in global terms: If there is no vision (LIGHT), the people (PLANT) will perish (wither, wilt, die in darkness). So in looking at that, people need "LIGHT" to live life, to experience purpose, to fulfill what they were created for. I am not talking about light as in sunlight. I am referring to the Light of Christ. So in breaking this all down simply, wouldn't it make sense that it is OUR JOB (DUTY, PURPOSE, LIFE'S MISSION as a Christ-Follower) to take LIGHT into the darkness so that our friends, family, co-workers, bosses, children, neighbors can live, grow, and bloom into the purpose which they were made for by God? If we do not take the LIGHT of Christ to the darkness, people perish and wither...lives are lost.

God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness....

Are you taking LIGHT into the darkness?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Your church exists to love the world and to commission you for a mission of expanding beauty, truth, and goodness upon the earth. ~ Leonard Sweet

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life Gardening 101...

Planting is one of the very foundational procedures when it comes to having successful garden, field, or lawn art such as a tree or shrub. You have to plant so that you will later reap the benefits of that which you are planting. A friend/mentor of mine asked me,

"Cham. If you owned a piece of property with a field on it, would you expect there to be a harvest already there for you to enjoy?" Sarcastically joking I replied, "only if someone had planted it ahead of time." He said, "EXACTLY! You have to plant before you can reap the benefits of the a harvest."

That conversation popped back up in my mind this morning as I read this verse...

"Those too lazy to plow in the right season
will have no food at the harvest." - Prov. 20:4

What my friend was saying is true and runs hand in hand with this piece of scripture. You have to plant before you reap. You have to work and invest before you can enjoy the harvest. This is a very simple concept that a lot of people (I believe) can't every get a hold of correctly. Today's generation is about "instant". A I want it now! - Society. A "Just throw it on a credit it card" generation. I think we have forgotten how to plant. We have forgotten that harvesting is a year-round procedure that requires proper forecasting, vision, discipline, and will power.
Let's set the record straight: Harvesting in its entirety is not seasonal, it is 365 day circle. There is always something needing to be done throughout the course of the year in preparation of the next harvest.

Now lets inject this into our life. The same goes for what ever I do day in and day out. If I want to be great at something (harvest), then I have to practice (plant). If I want to have money for a vacation (harvest), then I have to save (plant). If I want to be passionate for God and fulfill His purpose for me (harvest), then I have to invest my life, time, and energy in to my relationship with Him (plant). The list can go on and on. The question is are you planting and preparing. According to the scripture above, we are lazy (& foolish) if we don't plant and prep in the right season. We will ultimately miss a harvest and fullness of life, family, and God's purpose. What are you planting for today???

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thought for now...

"Authentic evangelism is lifting up the veil of what God is up to and manifesting the image of God in the world we are in." ~ Leonard Sweet

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New book.

I have heard before that leaders are readers. So grabbed l.sweets new book. Should be awesome.

-- Cham

Ok...so It has been some time since I have touched this blog site. For awhile, I felt like it served its purpose. I used it for sanity's sake during some crazy times last year. I haven't abandoned it, but just took some time off. My friend Tim Corbin (& pastor) stated that he doesn't blog because he really didn't have anything to say or talk about. That pretty much sums up the reason why I haven't put anything on here in a very long time. I do have a lot to say, but I wanted to keep P.O.C. a blog about God, randomness, thoughts, and transparencies. I have another blog cham2seattle.blogspot.com that is more specifically geared to my church planting...an update if you will. So...the planet is coming back in to orbit. I am at a new place, a new place in life, and am always on an adventure. Like I prefaced on my very first blog on here last year, this is not about "me". This blog is about everything around me and my observations. It is really a place to cut loose and see what happens, BUT BY NO MEANS IS THIS BLOG EVER TO HAVE THE INTENT OF GETTING "CHAM'S NAME" OUT THERE. I checked out of that over a year ago and could really care less about how many people know me, buy books from me, reference me, etc.. WHY? Because for me to be authentic in myself & in my relationship with GOD, then I have to be poured out daily and allow the things I do/say reflect my God and His work...not my success. So in saying that...enjoy. I hope to rearrange the look of the site soon...

Much love...